Helping Hands at Open Barn
We are excited to welcome Helping Hands back to Bowers School Farm!
THANK YOU for offering your care and time!
For youth under the age of 16, parents/guardians, you are expected to stay with your youth at the spot where they are volunteering for the entire time. This is for safety and balance needs.
Key responsibilities as an Open Barn volunteer are to be welcoming, provide kindness, share a positive experience, all while offering a place-based opportunity. A key point: always monitor the safety and care of the animals. In other words, YOU get to do share how cool the Bowers School Farm is with the community!
Please take the time to review the linked infographics to learn more details for each of our species. Feel welcome to take that information and research and learn deeper.
Questions are natural - so please ask!
Ultimately, the safety of the animals and visitors is the number one priority. Next, we ask you to be a strong steward for the Bowers community.
​If you have not done so, get your Volunteer/4-H family/household membership at the Visitor Services Counter in the School Building.
For any questions please reach out to:
Megan - misabell@bloomfield.org
Kate - kbell@bloomfield.org
Call/Text with questions: 248.510.2043
Please indicate that you are a helpful hands volunteer.
Open Barn - Sign Up
Helping Hands
Volunteer Guide
Please review and sign off on the last page.
Animal Info Brochure
Information pages for the animals at Bowers.
Please familiarize yourself with these!
Training Videos
The videos below are a great reference! We encourage you to look at them again between volunteer training days.
Chicken Tractor *new video to come with the new coop* Please still watch for chicken interaction information.
Bunny Circle *be ready for a chance with the new bunny space*
The Day of Open Barn
If you have not done so, get your Volunteer/4-H family/household membership at the Visitor Services Counter in the School Building.
For any questions please reach out to Megan at misabell@bloomfield.org.